Friday, 11 April 2008

ماذا تعرف عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

ماذا تعرف عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ؟ هذا موقع متميز تستطيع من خلاله التعرف على الحبيب صلى الله عليم وسلم انشر هذا الموقع بقدر استطاعتك لتنال الاجر عند الله, وفقني الله واياك الى مافيه الخير والصلاح

Thursday, 3 April 2008


Republic of Yemen is located in the semi aired tropical area between the latitudes of 120 00' to 180 00' north and Longitudes 420 00' to 540 00' west. Due to this location Yemen lacks surface water. The Rasyan Valley Basin the area of work is considered as one of the most affected areas in Yemen, facing this problem. Rain which lasts from April to September is the only surface source of water in Yemen and is characterized as fast, rapid and short in time (seasons – summer and winter, average temperature – 26OC, average rainfall data of 3 decades – 600 mm).This paper aims correlate the relation between the quantity of rain and the natural factors affecting it, particularly, surface land forms, slope, temperature of evaporation, type of soil, vegetation and suggest solutions to make optimum use of surface water sources in the Rasyan Valley Basin by “water harvesting”.

Rasyan Valley Basin, Yemen, Water harvesting, Surface run-of, Water resource.
Rasyan Valley Basin is located in the western part of the Republic of Yemen between the 430 15’ 32”- 440 10’ 13” longitude and 130 10’ 13”-130 51’ 46” latitude.
The study area is demarcated in north and north-east by basin of Wadi Tuban, basin of Wadi Anna’h, and basin by Wadi Nakhlah in north and north-west and the by Red Sea in the west and Wadi Bani Khwlan basin in south (Fig.1). Rasyan Valley Basin covers 1896 km2 (Yemen topographic sheets1986 and LANDSAT data, 1998), and is located in the desert region, the taller extending from the west Morocco to Iran. The surface water sources are rare in this region.

A study of factors that affect the surface water is very important especially in arid and semi-arid areas, for the optimum and use better of available resources. There are both natural and anthropogenic factors (Dixon, 2005) that have a positive or negative effect on the sources of water in Rasyan Valley Basin, which can de grouped as follows:

Geological Factors
The structure and lithology of Rasyan Valley Basin are important factors that affect the surface water.
The geology of the Rasyan Valley Basin consist of three main groups (Fig. 2)
1. Volcano–plateaus associates are resembled in a volcanic composition and granite.
2. Sandstone and limestone in the south-east and middle of the area (Nickolay and et al 1997).
3. A younger quaternary sequence consisting of a mixture of cobbles, pebbles, sand, silt and clay. (Atroos 2000) it is a river alluvium and concentrated in the western part of the Rasyan Valley Basin, in Tehama flat and inner plateaus, Al-Howban, Al-Barh and along the major and minor valleys. The volcanic and granitic rocks have less permeability and reduce of surface water (Al-Kherbash, 1996). This causes an increase of surface flow and decreasing storage, but sedimentary rocks allow the surface water.

Sedimentary sequences are not abundant in the study area and occur in disarranged form. They are more important in areas were rainfall is less as Tehama flat and the west except Al Hawban in the North-east. It is also affected by reduced resource of surface water and subsurface water, because density population is more.
The elevation in the area of study ranges between Sea level at Red Sea coast to 3015 m above MSL at the top of Saber Mountain and the area between containing mountain ranges, plateaus, and flood plains (Fig.3). The mountain ranges (Namah, Saber, and Habashi) are the source for water in the basin.

The climate varies in (Temperature, Rain, Solar radiation and Evaporation) in the Rasyan Valley Basin.
Temperature is around 25O C (Fig. 4) in the north, 280 C in the middle parts and 320 C in the west (TDA 2003) and reduces water resources by:

1. The high temperature causes evaporation and reduces condensation.
2. The high temperature also causes evaporation of both the surface water and soil the addition to evapotranspiration in vegetation. The rain is the only water source in the study area and differs in different parts of the basin, with an of average (600 mm) in the Ossaifirh, (850 mm) in the northern parts and (Dar El-Yemen, 1997., Elliott, and Trowsdale., 2006) (50 mm) in the western parts of the study area (Fig. 4).
Rainfall in the area of study has the following features:
1. It is heavy in summer.
2. According to time and places it annually has various distributions and covers various areas.
3. Though, it usually begins in April and ends in September, overall rainfall in this area is irregular.

Surface water is, of course, affected by speed and length of time of rainfall. Rain in Rasyan Valley Basin, for instance, occurs quite fast with short intervals. Surface run-of, hence runs quickly which results in the reduction of the ground water.

The effect of the soil on the movement of surface run-of depends upon the physical structure of the soil. Sand and pebbles for instance keep in cosy water movements so easily that large quantity of water will be in the ground. Clayey-soil, however, always little absorption because of the low porosity (Abas, 1998., Bryan, 2000., Konate, and et al, 1999), resulting is in less absorbed water in the ground.

The area of under study consists of diverse types of soil; the sand and silt are the most dominant, with little clayey soil in the margin of Rasyan Valley Basin. In general, the soil in Rasyan Valley Basin is very less; the area is, in general, covered by rocky mountains.

Shape and type of drainage basins
There is no doubt that the shape of the basin and sub-basin of a river has their direct effect on the surface water.

The round basin for instance help to keep water on the surface for a shorter length of time, where as the rectangular or triangular basins allow water to sland for a longer time (Ibrahim, 2001) on the area of study, the basin shape is rectangular with some joints and wrappings in the middle part of the RVB, and this serves to block and reserve water for supplement in large amounts.

Similarly, transportation also has an effect on drainage water though the drainage system in the area has a less effect on water movement, and that is in fact, due to the short distance between the stream orders and meeting angles and this feature covers almost the most parts of the basin as is shown in the (fig. 5)

Slope is an important criteria in the movement of water from upper level to draining areas, the greater the slope the more water movement area under study has two different levels of slopes (Geoffrey, and Gurnel., 2005., Giles., and Franklin., 1998), with the slopes increasing in the high altitudes particularly north, east, south east and some middle parts and they decrease in the western part of the area (fig. 6 and 7).

Vegetation is one of the important phenomenon that characterizes an area. The type of vegetation is determined by climate and the average rainfall.
Vegetation, in the area under study occupies a larger area in the North-east due to high rainfall in summer. Herbal vegetation is less in the middle of the area, and is rare in the west of the Rasyan Valley Basin.
Vegetation (trees and herbals) is an important factor that affects water movement directly or indirectly। Such vegetation acts as an to obstacle passing water, and as a result ground water increases, roots of trees and vegetation also help in loosening of soil particles and surface fragile components which in turns increases the water absorbing capacity of the adding to water table.

Land use and land cover
Land use and land cover represents a major factor in water movement witch includes the rock and soils, vegetation, and human settlements-each which of have their effect in different ways. The Rasyan Valley Basin has two types of land covers; the first one is the soil coastal cover in the plain Tehama in the western part of the basin. The second one is salt occurs where water is blocked, and part of this is also due to anthropogenic factors. (Xiao and et al 2005).

Clearly, the human activities in the basin have their positive and negative results, in keeping water on the surface, as wall as on the sources of water itself, positive effects are farming fields and using old irrigating systems, these help in decreasing leakage of water (fig. 9) and also in finding different water channels, on the mountain slope for purpose of water harvesting.
On the other hand, the negative activities like farming and tree cutting hinder the utilization of rainfall.

Predominant of volcanic rocks in the basin help in increase the surface-run-of. The vegetation and soil affect the surface run-of in the parts of basin, and the river network which is represented by trellis type drainage system, with steep slopes increase the surface-run-of in the parts of Rasyan Valley Basin.

Construction of terrace farms in mountain area and construction of dams, tanks, and ponds in the catchments area reduces the surface run-of in this area, increases the recharge of ground water table by the rain water.

The authors are thankful to Chairman DOS in Geology, and Republic of Yemen for their encouragement for this study. The authors also acknowledge the Ministry of Human Resources, Govt. of India and also the University of Mysore for giving an opportunity to carry out this research work.
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